Research & Development

Leverage real science and software to support your enterprise decision-making

Mip Wise takes your decision-making problem to where data can meet efficient algorithms and deliver software with the levers that your team needs to run the show

Hire top-performance decision scientists to solve your most challenging decision problems

Decision-making that leads to provable optimized results only comes from a systematic development process focused on the business problem rather than on the technology.

While scientists know how to solve problems systematically, many of them struggle to understand business problems and their context.

The good news is that, passed the challenge of understanding the problem and its context, most decision problems that organizations face nowadays have a related problem that has already been solved to some extent in the academic literature.

That’s when comes another challenge, connecting the dots between business problems in the real world and related solutions in the body of scientific publications. Not many professionals have the ability to abstract problems to that level—mathematicians are among the most skillful in that category.

The final challenge is to develop practical solutions and deliver them in the form of software that business people can interact with.

Not surprisingly, a lot of creativity is required to stitch all the pieces together—and that’s when science meets art.

At Mip Wise, we don’t feel intimidated by the challenges of this whole process. In fact, it’s part of what we do on a daily basis, often just for fun!

Contact us to discuss a business plan, or follow this link to learn more about how we solve decision-making problems.