Harnessing science and technology to do more with less.

We combine the best of consulting, science, and software to help organizations turn data into decisions and make the best use of their resources.

Hence, we’re decision scientists.

Our Purpose

To continuously elevate the quality and accessibility of support systems for enterprise decision-making.

The Name

The “mip” in Mip Wise does not stand for “Made in Portugal.” Although, Mip Wise was founded in Brazil, which was colonized by Portugal!

It could stand for “Mixed-integer Programming”, which is one of our favorite technologies to perform advanced prescriptive analytics.

But, in reality, “mip” is an acronym we use for “making intelligence prevalent”, where the word “intelligence” refers to both artificial and cognitive intelligence.

The “wise” is to remind us that human experience, i.e., wisdom, should always play an important role in decision-making, especially when those decisions have the potential to impact human lives.

In summary, Mip Wise means: making intelligence prevalent to drive wiser decisions.

Our Core Values

Excellence & Resourcefulness

  • We are obsessed with the quality of our services and products.

  • We like to simplify processes and innovate by doing more with less.

Learning & Contributions

  • Our favorite learning strategy is sharing our knowledge and experience.

  • We see challenging problems as opportunities to make contributions.

Collaboration & Support

  • We love to work as a team and recognize great work.

  • We admit our weaknesses and support each other.

 Our Team

Andrea Rujano

Jr. Decision Scientist

Andrea Rujano holds a master’s degree in Mathematics and Scientific Computing from the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

She helps to support our training activities and is excited about real-world applications, especially those involving stochasticities.

Aster Santana

Founder - CEO - Sr. Decision Scientist

Aster Santana holds a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Georgia Tech, in addition to a master’s and a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and scientific Computing.

He leads the efforts towards applied research and development and is also involved with education and training activities.

Daniel Araújo

Sr. Software Developer

Daniel Araújo holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and has more than fifteen years of experience with Java, web development, and Oracle databases.

He supports the development and maintenance of Mip Hub (our app builder platform) in addition to the deployment of solutions to our clients.

Eric Zettermann

Co-founder - Research Associate

Eric Zettermann holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in addition to a master’s and a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Scientific Computing.

Besides supporting our research and training activities, Eric is a professor at the Department of Biology at the State University of Santa Catarina.

Filipe Ferraz

Sr. Software Developer

Filipe Ferraz holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and has more than ten years of experience working for the Brazilian government.

He developed the first version and maintains Mip Hub, our app builder platform. He also supports deployments of solutions to our clients.

Luiz Kubaski

Co-founder - CFO - Decision Scientist

Luiz Kubaski holds a master's and a bachelor's degree in Physics from the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

He is enthusiastic about decision-making under uncertainties, besides helping to support our training activities.

Luiz Suzana

Co-founder - Head of Quality Assurance - Decision Scientist

Luiz Suzana holds a master’s and a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Scientific Computing from the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

He helps to support our training initiatives and is enthusiastic about facilitating decision-making with math optimization and software.

Ricardo Turano

Trainee Decision Scientist

Ricardo Turano holds a master's and bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

He is enthusiastic about stochastic optimization and helps support our research and development initiatives.

Éder Pinheiro

Co-founder - CTO - Sr. Decision Scientist

Éder Pinheiro holds a master's degree in Production Engineering and a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Scientific Computing from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).

He is an expert in software development and leads the efforts to establish programming best practices at Mip Wise.

How Our Story Began

Mip Wise was founded by Aster Santana with the goal of empowering people to support decision-making in the real world more efficiently and effectively.

Aster’s vision has always been to create a sustainable community of open-minded professionals and an environment where they could thrive professionally and personally.

The outcome of such a community and environment would be highly skilled professionals and effective methodologies that would help to democratize cutting-edge technologies, mostly available in academia (not necessarily in a practical form) or provided by big consulting firms and software vendors at unreasonable costs.

The Mip Wise organization, previously named Convexwise, was officially formed in August 2020 in Garopaba, Santa Catarina, Brazil (Aster’s birth town). The website was formally launched in May 2022.

By that time, in addition to extensive experience in solving decision-making problems in academia, consulting, and software, Mip Wise already had comprehensive training programs, an app builder platform, and several other resources to empower people to develop their analytical skills and make impactful contributions to the real world.

The primary activities from day one have been solving challenging practical problems and teaching others how to make the most of advanced data analytics.

Now, propelled by the increasing demand for high-quality and custom solutions that can support organizations to make optimal decisions from data more systematically and scientifically, Mip Wise has been growing organically and receiving incredible support from clients and our community members.

Convicted that it’s possible to grow a mission-driven organization that finds the balance between purpose and profit, we keep executing our vision passionately to create a legacy rather than an exit strategy.